Always working on projects to bring back the memories.
03 June 2020, 21:51
After a grant from Idaho Heritage Trust, John Lorang, descendant of Charles, braces up the Farmhouse...
03 June 2020, 22:10
Henry Lorang, grandson of Henry Lorang, works on the Farmhouse roof. Henry was also able to get shingles...
03 June 2020, 22:14
Wooden shingles are replaced with the help of Henry Lorang, grandson of Henry, and Idaho Heritage Trust.
03 June 2020, 20:23
When this section of the home was preserved by Dan Lorang, he decided to spray foam all over the c.1873...
02 June 2020, 17:40
When this section of the home was preserved by Dan Lorang, he decided to spray foam all over the c.1873...
03 June 2020, 22:34
Descendants gathered to paint the Farmhouse. L-R: assistant to John Lorang, Roch Lorang grandson of Henry,...
03 June 2020, 22:49
L-R: Patrick Lorang grandson of Albert, Roch Lorang sitting, grandson of Henry and John Lorang standing...
04 June 2020, 14:37
Several decorative pieces survived from the 1904 porch, but not the foundation. John Lorang, grandson...
04 June 2020, 14:54
Dave Hoffman, husband of granddaughter of Barney Lorang, draws a design on the board for jigsaw cutting...
04 June 2020, 00:07
L-R: Eric Schoenberg and his father Michael Schoenberg, descendants of Theodore Lorang. Dave Hoffman,...
04 June 2020, 15:08
John Lorang, grandson of Charles, had already braced the upper porch roof. Now the planning begins. L-R:...
04 June 2020, 16:22
The decorative cornices are all original 1904. The center post was found above the Log cabin by U of...
04 June 2020, 15:38
Most of this 1904 post is original, but the very bottom had to be recreated and spliced on. L-R: Janet...
04 June 2020, 15:18
While waiting for decorative porch pieces to be matched, recreated, sanded and painted by artists Len...
04 June 2020, 17:54
John Lorang has finished the 2nd level flooring structure and put up the 1904 restored pillars.
04 June 2020, 17:41
Porch steps added by Ryan Ramos of Genesee. Porch and step railings and screen door on right are original...
04 June 2020, 19:31
L-R: Joice Ann Fromm wife of Michael Schoenberg, John Lorang and Michael Schoenberg. Painting recreated...
05 June 2020, 14:56
One of the posts was recreated by Len Zeoli and Jim Christiansen. The other 1904 one was found above...
05 June 2020, 15:14
John Lorang puts finishing touches on the bay window crown after Henry Hank Lorang shingled the eyelid...
05 June 2020, 15:37
L-R: John Lorang, grandson of Charles, Nathan Lorang, great, grandson of Charles, Michael Schoenberg,...
05 June 2020, 17:33
Here is when we found out that the boards surrounding the chimney were newer. The other boards in the...
05 June 2020, 17:40
Here Brad Lorang pulls the White Spring Ranch from underneath the Curio Cabin. It had been well silted...
05 June 2020, 17:44
There were quite a few shingles missing on the Curio cabin. Michael Schoenberg replaces some.
05 June 2020, 17:50
Dave Hoffman works on the Curio cabin steps. Without knowing, he created them just as before. We later...
05 June 2020, 17:57
The windows have been replaced where needed. Thanks to Vaughn Hegy, Ryan Ramos and Idaho Heritage Trust.
05 June 2020, 18:22
This was done after the year of painting in 2007. L-R: Joice Ann Fromm, Michael Schoenberg, Randy Hoffman,...
05 June 2020, 18:28
L-R: Joseph Weston, Michael Schoenberg, John Lorang. This 1878 Log Cabin originally belonged to neighbor...
05 June 2020, 18:32
L-R: Joice Ann Fromm, Joseph Weston, Eric Schoenberg, Adam Lorang, Michael Schoenberg.
05 June 2020, 18:43
L-R: Joseph Weston, Eric Schoenberg, friend of Adam Lorang. She helped out quite a bit later, holding...
05 June 2020, 18:58
The Log cabin is 1878, but the stone chimney was added in 1924 when John Lorang moved the Cabin. It was...
05 June 2020, 19:19
The 1878 Log cabin has been straightened. The Stone Chimney and Porch restored. It has been chinked and...
05 June 2020, 20:37
L-R: Brad Lorang and John Lorang. There was a piece broken off of the edge of second basin of this 1913...
White Spring Ranch
1004 Lorang Road
Genesee, Idaho 83832
(208) 416-1006
Open Sundays and Tuesdays 1:00 PM-Sunset and also by appointment
Copyright © 2024 White Spring Ranch